Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The AdDaddy Family Christmas Letter

Well, it was decided this year that we’re writing a Christmas letter. I said that I would take a crack at it. If it’s anything like doing laundry, I’ll make such a mess out of it that I’ll never have to do it again.

So, here goes.

2009 was clearly a year of growth as we welcomed child number three. Baby Girl was born on July 7th. We planned poorly, as a July birth cancelled out our yearly vacation to Penobscot Bay in Maine. At least I have something to hold over her head as she gets older. Like the rest of the AdDaddy’s, Baby Girl likes to get comfortable and isn’t the best at change, so she was induced. Baby Girl weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth and came out screaming, but quickly settled into a routine of peaceful sleeping and eating. Mommy came up with the name of Baby Girl. I was involved at first, but as we got closer, I decided that I couldn’t think of any more names, so I sold the baby’s naming rights to Mommy for three chicken pot pies. A good deal if you ask me. Baby Girl has a beautiful name and I enjoy chicken pot pies more than I enjoy stressing over the ultimate decision of naming our third child. Baby Girl’s middle name is in honor of our beloved grandmother who passed away late in 2008. We miss her very much. Baby Girl is a beautiful baby. She looks just like me. The AdDaddy genes are strong. However, like Boy and Girl, Baby Girl is fortunate enough to have her mother’s eyes. Currently, Baby Girl is doing all of the things a baby her age is supposed to do. Smiling, laughing, babbling, rolling over, we’re even on the verge of starting to feed her solid food.

Girl, now four, continues to be Daddy’s little girl. I wish I could pretend that I don’t love the fact that she comes to me when she cries, but I do. She is having a great year developmentally. She continues to ride horses and her language is expanding daily. So much so that at times I can’t get a word in edgewise. She is full of energy and will be starting gymnastics in the new year to hopefully burn some of it off. We brim with pride everyday as we watch her grow. Girl is in preschool at the Collicott School. She is very social and seems to have a new boyfriend every week. She enjoys holding hands and long walks around the playground. Girl is incredibly happy to be a big sister. In fact, we suspect she thinks that she is actually Baby Girl’s Mommy. Girl is clearly in charge. She reads to Baby Girl, plays with her, even tries to feed her. Hey, the less the real Mommy and I have to do the better. Girl is really looking forward to Christmas. She is infatuated with Santa. Ironically, when she is within thirty feet of him at the mall, she covers her head and trembles. He is like the Beatles. Or I guess like the Jonas Brothers. I’m gonna need to know these things soon.

Boy is now six. He has his father’s skills at math and listening. He intuitively understands arithmetic but needs to be told seventeen times to brush his teeth. Boy is enjoying kindergarten at the Cunningham School. I am impressed daily with his advancements in reading, writing and drawing. Boy also started playing town soccer this year. I really got a kick (pun intended) out of watching all the six year-olds run around after the ball. There was a range of kids. There were some who ran like heck after the ball until they fell down and others who ran like heck after imaginary butterflies until they were substituted out. Boy was somewhere in the middle. I would sit in my chair with an iced coffee and laugh the whole time. Except when I was asked to jump in and help coach. Luckily, I still have a few skills and can beat them all handily. Thank goodness we didn’t keep score. This past year was also a time for more milestones. The training wheels came off of his bike and he lost his first tooth shortly after, although the two are not related.

Mommy and I are doing fine, considering the chaos that three children create. Our evenings consist of Mommy falling asleep on the couch around 9 and me staying up until around 11 doing what I love to do, watching bad sitcoms and playing guitar. Work is busy for me. I am now the creative director at the agency I work for. My days are mostly spent in meetings and I’ve been traveling to exciting faraway places like California, Europe and Columbus, Ohio. Mommy has embarked on her new career as family chauffeur. Her days consist of shuttling me and the kids back and forth between school and the train as well as the countless number of other things that keep the house running smoothly. She continues to ask for a new car, but instead will be getting a black chauffeur’s hat and driving gloves for Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Boy, Girl and Baby Girl