Monday, July 02, 2007

Vomit Part II: Cookies and cream

We like to go to Maine every summer for a week. We rent a house on a little cove on the water about midway up the coast. We usually go one of the weeks at the end of July. The rental runs from Saturday to Saturday. I like to pack and gas the car up the night before and hit the road bright and early. Mommy likes to make sure we take more than we really need. I don't mind because I enjoy the challenge of packing the car. I'm very anal about it. Since I was a little I've loved the whole vacation experience of getting the most out of the trip. Get up with the sun and go. Mommy and children humor me. One of my concessions (let's be honest, I love it too) is to stop at Dunkin' Donuts on the way. I'm a medium with milk and one sugar. Iced in the summer. Mommy likes something flavored. I can never remember so I make her write it down. Boy gets munchkins and milk. A trip like this, I get him the big box, not the bag with 4 in it. He loves the chocolate. Girl is sound asleep. So here we are, the Griswolds, making our annual trek to Maine. Enjoying a hot summer day with my coffee finished and road tunes playing. Sun burning the left side of my body. Boy has picked out all the chocolate munchkins. Me, the glazed. time passes. The sounds start. A cough. A sniffle. Another cough. "Crap". A wretch. 80 mph on the highway. Wave 1: a splatter. More of a volcano down his chest than a spray against the seat. Thick. Chocolate munchkins + milk = cookies and cream. Wave 2: thicker. "Crap". So we pull over on the side of the highway. Strip the boy down. Strip the seat fabric down. Now is where the meticulous car packing comes in. Yes we have a change of clothes & wipes. Where are they? Yes, at the bottom. Boy half-naked on the side of a highway. Our entire vacation packing strewn over the grass beside the breakdown lane. The rest of the ride? Cookies and cream.

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