Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Keep track of the sippy cups

Boy has a couple of routines when it comes to drinks. First thing in the morning I must get him orange juice. After dinner and before bed, he gets a cup of milk. And various beverages in between. If we forget, he gets insistent. I want my juice. His inflexibility is particularly difficult on Sunday mornings. usually around 6. Anyway, he has this horrible habit of dropping his cup when he is finished with it. Whether it is done or not. Right where he is. "I am finished. I no longer need cup. Open hand. Cup fall." You can imagine what this leads to. Sippy cups found in various places around the house. You do your best to keep track of them but you just can't. I happen upon them all the time. Digging through the toy box to get Girl a specific toy. Uh-oh. Lifting the couch to find Girl a specific toy. Uh-oh. I've found them outside. I've found them in his bed. Behind the toilet. In my closet. In my shoe. At the bottom of the laundry basket. On the stairs. In the kitchen cabinets. Oh, and the car. Always under the seats. Those are the worst because the change in temperatures wreaks havoc. If you're curious, orange juice gets pungent. I can't really add to that. Pungent says it all. And yes, solids form in the milk.

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