Sunday, June 03, 2007

Mommy is not a job

Boy decides to offer this thought to Mommy the other day. Now, to remind you, Mommy is a stay at home mom. This could easily be perceived as some sort of politically charged comment. I take no responsibility for this. I have not taught him the stereotypical male chauvinism. Well, not entirely. Mommy decides to see where this is going. "What do you mean Mommy is not a job" she asks. The boy's answer, "you don't wear a uniform". Boy's entire view of the workplace environment is based on what uniform someone wears. Firefighters wear a uniform. Police officers wear a uniform. Mommies don't wear a uniform. So, how does Daddy pass this job test? I certainly don't wear a uniform. Unless you count jeans. Well, I take the train to work in the city. Somehow, a train ride supercedes the uniform rule. Well at least someone thinks I have a job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly Mommy's job is harder than Daddy's.